
+++ News and information about our company S+M and our products +++

August 2024

„Operators benefit at all locations“

With modern systems for telemetry and cashless payment, digitalisation is making its way into the vending business. VendingSpiegel found out from market experts why now is a good time to invest in these systems.

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December 2023

The full-service partner for payment systems

For more than 30 years, S+M GmbH has been offering complete solutions for efficient management and full-service operating. With Vensells, for example, the company has developed a payment system that is both cost-effective and easy to use. Since 2022, S+M GmbH's product portfolio has also included Venshop, a flexible POS system for every micro-market. The Erkelenz-based company places particular emphasis on simple and practical solutions, such as intensive customer support, so that every operator and every company receive exactly the solution that is best tailored to the respective business. Heiko Mesch, Managing Director of S+M GmbH, took stock of 2023 in an interview with Vending Report and looks ahead to the new year.

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November 2023

Athanasios Papagiannakis, Head of Sales at S+M GmbH

Telemetry and payment are topics that are becoming increasingly relevant. In an interview with Vending Report, Athanasios Papgiannakis, Sales Manager at S+M GmbH, explains what operators should look out for, the benefits of such systems and the mistakes that can be avoided.

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October 2023

Innovative payment solutions

S+M GmbH offers a complete solution for operators when it comes to payment and telemetry. The innovative concepts also include the Venshop, a stand-alone payment terminal that is ideal for staff-free shop concepts and micro-markets. At this year's Vendtra in Munich, S+M takes stock after two successful trade fair days and many interesting discussions.

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September 2023

The partner for full service

For over 30 years, S+M GmbH has been offering a complete solution for efficient management and full-service-operating. With Vensells, the company has developed a payment system that is both cost-effective and easy to use. Since 2022, S+M GmbH's product portfolio has also included Venshop, a flexible POS system for every micro-market.

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June 2023

Solution-orientated and individual advice

As a reliable partner to the vending industry, S+M GmbH supports its customers with a broad portfolio and practical solutions. Vending Report asked customers directly how they experienced S+M GmbH's products and service and why they recommend the company to others.

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January 2023

Modern and innovative into the new year

Athanasios Papagiannakis has been working as Sales Manager in the Vendsolutions division at S+M GmbH in Erkelenz for almost three years now. In an interview, he revealed why he chose the company as an employer and the benefits of S+M products. He also gives an outlook on the company's activities in 2023.

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October 2022

SUCCESS all along the line

The company S+M GmbH from Erkelenz once again shone at this year's Vendtra in Munich with interesting solutions, competent employees and products with their finger on the pulse. The expert offers an all-round solution for operators when it comes to payment and telemetry - and thanks to a close cooperation with Kesseböhmer Ladenbau GmbH & CO. KG, operators can also learn all about micromarkets from the industry expert. After two successful days at the trade fair and many interesting discussions, the team would like to thank the visitors for their visit.

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September 2022

Payment technology smart & intelligent

With Vensolutions, S+M offers an efficient complete solution for the full-service operating sector. The company has also developed the Vensells OL and Vensells CL payment system, which is not only cost-effective but also easy to implement and use.

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September 2022

“We live and love vending“

In June, Stefan and Heiko Mesch received the German Vending Award 2021 from the BDV for their pioneering work in the field of telemetry and payment systems. VendingSpiegel spoke to the two of them about milestones in the company's history and pioneering work that still needs to be done in the future.

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August 2022

Easy and efficient right from the start

With Vensolutions, S+M offers a complete solution for efficient management in the area of full-service operating. In addition, the company has now developed the Venpay CL payment system, which is both cost-effective and easy to implement and use. Various service packages guarantee exactly the right solution for everyone.

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June 2022

Vending machine solutions are in demand

At the beginning of June, the Federal Association of the German Vending Machine Industry (BDV) organised a trend meeting at the old Brüderkirche in Kassel. A large number of participants and exciting presentations formed the basis for an interesting industry event.

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June 2022

Successful start

Venditalia Milan has closed its doors, and industry expert S+M was of course also on site as an exhibitor. With a strong team from S+M GmbH, visitors were able to see for themselves live on site the professionalism and passion that the team displays.

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April 2022

Plans, ideas, opportunities 2022

The new year is already in full swing, including at payment system specialist S+M GmbH from Erkelenz. In an interview with Managing Director Heiko Mesch, Vending Report took a closer look at what the new year 2022 has in store for the industry, what plans the company has and where it is heading.

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November 2021

The heart of Connected Vending at Vendtra 2021

Despite the continuing Corona problem, the Vendtra in Munich was also very successful this year from the point of view of S+M GmbH. The new products were presented to a wide audience "live and in color" and again many interesting discussions were held. A follow-up report on the trade fair.

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August 2021

Vendtra 2021 in Munich – we are on!

After two successful participations of the digital „sister-” trade fair Vendtra-Twins in Autumn 2020 and February 2021, we´re happy about a real reunion next September in Munich: We look forward to our participation at the upcoming Vendtra from the 29th to 30th of September at the Olympic Park area. Thanks to the extensive hygiene concept by the exhibition organizer we`re able to present ourselves at our booth (078-094) with our newest achievements and we´re looking forward to your visit. You can find more information about the trade fair Vendtra here. We are excited – be it too!

March 2021

Digital performance = best practice vending

In this text contribution the S+M GmbH refers to the successful participation of the second digital online trade fair “Vendtra-Twins” from 24th to 25th of February and introduces here the most important software optimizations of their user portal “Vensoft”.

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February 2021

With S+M GmbH fit for future

Connected Vending and Mobile Payment – just more than keywords. The S+M GmbH remains to be a full-service-partner for its customers, even in such hard times. They  keeping operators up to date und prepared for future as well. Digitalisation is underway und the company is pioneer and expert for al long time. Also on digital fair trade “Vendtra Twins” from 24th to 25th of February 2021 they´ll welcome all interested customers at their own booth and will inform life on congress stage.

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January 2021

Mobiles payment – more than a trend

Because of its wide range of products the company looks optimistically into the new year. For its participation on trade fair “Vendtra-Twins” at the end of February it hopes on many visitors.

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December 2020

Telemetry is booming

The S+M GmbH is a pioneer and specialist for cashless payment and telemetry systems. These are two important topics which are gaining further relevance, even in pandemic times. The demand for contactless payment solutions is rising across all sectors, as well as physically avoiding contact and saving time by the use of telemetry. In this interview Heiko Mesch talks about his company’s situation in 2020.

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September 2020

Traditionsunternehmen goes digital

The well-established family owned company „Betriebsverpflegung Blum e.K.“ from Düsseldorf is sharing the first experiences after implementing Vensolutions.

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July 2020

Come out stronger after the crisis - with the right partner

This article describes the advantages of the different Vencube financing models which the S+M GmbH is offering as a reaction to the Corona crisis.

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June 2020

The future of mobile payment

In this three-page interview managing director Heiko Mesch provides detailled information about the innovative mobile payment solution Venpay - the newest member of the Vensolutions family of S+M GmbH.

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May 2020

The Heart of Connected Vending

This cover story gives attention to the S+M GmbH as an established name in the vending industry and shows in detail the Vensolutions telemetry solution with all its advantages.

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December 2019

Reliable & powerful

Heiko Mesch, managing director of S+M GmbH, points out the features and advantages of his Connected Vending system Vensolutions. It’s an optimistic outlook into the future at the end of the year.

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October 2019

Convincing service for CEEP DE

In this interview Coca-Cola European Partners Deutschland GmbH (CCEP DE) describe their successful cooperation with S+M GmbH from a customer’s point of view.

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August 2019

The full-service partner at Euvend trade fair

The official Vending Report’s analysis of S+M GmbH at this year’s „Euvend & Coffeena 2019“.

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May 2019

A successful Euvend 2019

We once again participated in this year’s Euvend & Coffeena in Cologne – the trade fair for the vending and coffee industry – to present the S+M GmbH, our products and services to interested experts of the trade.

Our main focus this time was on our Connected Vending System Vensolutions in connection with the payment system Vencash. The light and open fair stand featured these two areas of expertise as well, connected by an inviting sitting area with a comfortable atmosphere for lively talks.

We were very happy to welcome many long-term customers and partners as well as a large number of new interested parties. You can really tell the growing interest in telemetry and Connected Vending solutions from fair to fair. Especially the overall high quality of talks shows us that the industry is dealing a lot more with the field of telemetry and the questions are getting much more concrete.

From small businesses to global players we talked to many different experts in the field. Apart from our larger partners a lot of smaller and medium businesses are starting to acknowledge the advantages which the use of our systems can deliver. This confirms that we have been interpreting the trends in the right way for the last years and that we can lead the industry into a successful future with our Connected Vending solutions.

We would like to say “Thank You” to everyone who visited us at this year’s stand and helped make the fair a success for us and the entire industry. A big “Thank You” as well to the koelnmesse team for the good work as always.

April 2019

With a new philosophy: ready for Euvend 2019

This article highlights some of the advantages of our Connected Vending system Vensolutions as well as providing an outlook of what to expect at our trade fair stand at this year’s Euvend in Cologne. (German text only)

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April 2019

Connected Vending – It’s all under control

The Vending Guide 2020 of the trade journal Vending Report provides an overview of S+M GmbH and our products and services. (German text only)

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February 2019

Your Profit: moving towards a new age

This two-page article features our brand re-launch and the upcoming in-house exhibition in Erkelenz. (German text only)

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Successful in-house exhibition on 19th March 2019

Together with our partners, the network operator VR Payment and the system provider Suzohapp, we had invited interested members of our industry to visit our in-house exhibition this year.

That day visitors were able to look behind the scenes of S+M GmbH and talk directly to our specialists from all departments about our comprehensive range of performance regarding payment systems and Connected Vending.

Many questions were asked and answered regarding the topics of Vencube and Vensolutions, cash and cashless payment systems, our reliable product service and much more. We are happy to see an increasing interest in our route-planning, as many colleagues and customers recognize the profitable advantages it brings.

We were delighted with the high number of visitors and high quality of talks and discussions. Thank you very much to everyone who followed our invitation and helped make this year’s in-house exhibition a success.

Now we are preparing for the next event: we hope to see you soon in May, for the “eu’vend & coffeena” in Cologne!


Vensolutions: Discover the possibilities

Thanks to Vensolutions (our Connected Vending system) the future of vending machines is moving „away from the image of a boring machine which sells you things towards a state-of-the-art interactive shopping experience allowing individual customer targeting and other attractive features.” (German text only)

September 2018

Vensolutions ...still on the right track

The system provider is making a significant contribution to the positive trend in the future-oriented "connected vending" sector with various activities...

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May 2017

S+M says Thank You...

Read a trade fair review of the Eu’vend 2017 in Cologne. It was a successful fair for S+M where we presented new functions of our Telemetry System Vensolutions as well as the new generation of Vencash Products and devices. (German text only)

March 2017

S+M at Eu’vend 2017 in Cologne

New managing director Heiko Mesch talks about the advancement of our Connected Vending system Vensolutions and its potential for future applications. (German text only)

November 2015

Your partner for holistic telemetry solutions in the vending industry

S+M introduces Vensolutions and its possibilities at the trade fair Eu’vend 2015 in Cologne. This sets a new standard for the vending and payment system industry. (German text only)